Sunday, May 1, 2011

soft and sweet [I heart faces]

This week's theme over at is soft and sweet.

I never blogged this photo before. I posted it on Facebook as part of my spring break album and left it at that. It took me this long to be okay with putting my heart out there.
I came home from school on a Thursday. I left right after class to pick up my friend Corbin from the airport and have a fun day with him when he flew in. Truthfully, I was afraid his visit was going to be boring and awful because that Friday, I had heart surgery. That night, Doug and Corbin curled up in my bed, hugging my stuffed animals and filling them with love for me to take to the hospital.
This was one of those quiet moments that I needed more than anything. His love gave me the calm I needed to be able to walk into the OR (literally) and tell the doctors I was ready.
soft and sweet

Interestingly enough, I managed to go on an airboat ride 2 days post-op.