After much contemplation, I remembered what causes me to have high-pitched squeaking fits of pure glee. I guess that counts as loving something, right?
I have a weakness for 'vintage' cameras. Old cameras make me giggle like a schoolgirl. I am known for picking up cameras at thrift stores or receiving them as hand-me-downs and slaving over them, trying to restore them. It was somewhat difficult to pick which cameras I was going to photograph but I decided to go with simple cameras that mean a lot. Maybe next time, I'll show you my collection of film SLRs.

The upper left hand camera used to belong to Doug's Uncle Matt. I'm not entirely sure how it ended up in my possession. One minute, I was looking at it in the basement with Grandma Linda and the next thing I knew, it was in my 'to pack' pile. The one to the right of that one is Yoshi. My dad surprised me with him when I couldn't fix my thrift store Petri. A girl just needs a rangefinder sometimes. The middle row is a really cool tripod that came to me, care of the Hollingsworths. I kind of like it more as a prop than as a functional tripod. But the most important camera is the bottom one, in the position of honor. It previously belonged to Doug's great-grandfather and rumor has it, this camera has photographed the Beatles! She takes a specialty film I need to order from New York City and I can't wait to get her out in the field for a test.
All the photos taken for the collage were taken with my 50mm 1.8 because I wanted to challenge myself twice as much.
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