I just love watching the moon rise.
I've been wandering around, shooting a little bit more since I no longer have to edit Ohio pictures. Wait, don't I owe you more snow pictures from the trip? uh... um... yeah, I'll get right on that. In the mean time, I went to the pier yesterday twice: once at lunchtime and once for sunset. I absolutely love the Juno Beach pier and would probably spend more time there if it didn't offend my "must keep salt and sand off my camera" sensibilities. But while I was there, I decided to take a few pictures for a specific Photoshop experiment: high-dynamic range imaging. Yes, I know a lot of people think it's kitschy or overdone and downright tacky but I wanted to try it. So I did.

Whether you think they're garish, amazing, or just more photos from my adventures, I can cross it off my list of things I want to try. Since I was being silly anyway, I also decided to play with the tilt-shift action I made a while back.

The vintage coloring shows up again too. But this is what happens when I'm shooting for myself: I have fun and do whatever I feel like and then sort of haphazardly throw together words and photos to tell you what I did.
And then there were the jellyfish... I cannot speak for anyone else in my life but I find Portuguese man-o-war jellies to be beautiful and squishy and generally photogenic.

I think it helps that they look like purple and blue balloons, since I like those too.
I'm kicking myself at the moment for somehow leaving the I[heart]faces button off my contest entry post because I'd like to think I would have been featured if I had it. Time to facepalm and move on. I'll never get any adventuring done otherwise.
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