I found a crayon and I smiled. And then I smiled some more when I got back to my computer and realized the angle I took the shots gave me a pretend tilt shift depth of field.

I twirled in the golden afternoon sunlight reflecting off the paving stones and soaked in every ray and lens flare I could.

I marveled over how strange it is that Abacoa wants to be this perfect place when the beauty is in the imperfections.

I enjoyed the details that were just perfect in that moment as I took the shot, knowing that this moment was mine and mine alone.

I befriended some birds and worked on my tree faces project some more.

I wish there were photos of me swinging on the swings. I managed to hold onto the chain and swing really high. It was amazing and I felt like I was flying. It was the first time in a long time I could do that and I don't know when I'll be able to again.
On the walk home, I caught a gorgeous sunset over my beloved B sign.

It's moments like these that remind me how beautiful the world is, even when I think it sucks sometimes.