I've posted previously about this camera, the lovely Ida, but I never told you where she came from. Ida belonged to Grandma Ida and Grandpa Ralph, Doug's great-grandparents. When I was up in Ohio for Christmas, Doug's grandparents asked me if I wanted her. Once Great-Grandpa Ralph said okay, I brought her home with me and have carried her with me everywhere ever since.
Shooting with Ida makes me slow down and think. I carefully compose the shot, calculate exposure, and focus (which isn't easy). It's the opposite of the "I can fix it in post" attitude I occasionally get when I'm in a hurry. My first roll of film was 24 exposures, my current one is 36 and I haven't finished it yet. The love is in the taking of the photos and the surprise later when I open the envelope with the prints.
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