Our adventure began on our flight out. I forgot to take into account daylight savings time when I got all excited about the flight so I just missed watching the sun rise from the air. As it was, the view was still beautiful.

We were met at the airport by Uncle Matt (the groom), Doug's dad and a friend of Carrie's. From there, we embarked on the long drive from Denver to Aspen. (I would be remiss if I did not note that we drove through Aurora just hours before the shooting. So continues my trend of just barely missing tragedy while I'm traveling.)

We stopped for lunch at a delicious BBQ place.

On the road again... We passed through a mining town with an old mine that is now open for tourists.

We drove through a wonderful storm. I got to watch as lightning struck the same mountain repeatedly. Unfortunately, I do not have any photos to show you.

As we were driving up, Doug's mom, grandparents, and sisters were taking the train up from Denver. We stopped off at the Glenwood Springs train station to see if they were there. We beat them but it was a lovely stop.

Back on the road to finish the final leg of our journey.

Welcome to Snowmass Village!

The next morning, while everyone else was whitewater rafting, Doug and I decided to explore Snowmass Village.

I couldn't resist playing tourist.

One of my favorite things in Snowmass Village was the Ice Age Discovery Center. It was so cool to learn all about the mammoths and mastodons that used to live right where I was standing.

We took the skycab down the mountain to pick up Grandma Linda for lunch.

We then rode the skycab back up and had a leisurely lunch.

On Saturday, while everyone else was sleeping in, I convinced Doug, Cassie, and Grandpa Butch to come with me to the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies. We hopped a bus and in twenty minutes, we were there.

The highlight of our trip to ACES was the baby black bear we saw!

For now, I am going to end with a few views from the backseat of the van.

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