Last week
I was meeting the twins after their scout meeting got out. When I pulled in to the parking lot, the sandhill crane was standing on the parking stone of the spot I wanted. If I could have safely taken its picture and parked, I would have. Since it seems interested in my camera and my car, I got some amazing pictures that I don't think I should have been able to get safely. (Previous experience suggests that sandhill cranes do not like the sound of the camera shutter.)

After the meeting, we started exploring the boardwalk as a family but were quickly joined by a bunch of other scouts. There wasn't much wildlife to see but the kids were so much fun that I didn't notice. Although that might have something to do with them rocking the floating dock and/or climbing into my lap while I was trying to shoot.

This week
I ventured out during high noon and didn't know what to expect as far as wildlife goes. I did know that midday sun means high contrast and tried to use that to my advantage.

I did some experimentation with HDR techniques to see if I could replicate the tonal range I saw in real life. Nope. Not even close. But I did make some interest composites in Photomatix and Photoshop.

I also had an awesome experience with a wood stork. I could see him from the other end of the boardwalk and I just kept getting closer and closer until some birdwatchers scared him off.

On today's adventure, I took my 10,000th picture on this camera and reset the internal counter.