explanation: I am going to have a white Christmas! Marjorie and I are fortunate enough to be going to Ohio with Doug and his entire family. We would prefer to spend all our time shooting in the snow, rather than going through photos, so there will be no posts until we return.
bribe: Since I cannot seem to function without a camera, I will be taking tons of photos. I have a nifty planner that I intend to take semi-meticulous notes in so I can offer captions with said photos and truly write a letter home from Ohio.
As a bonus, I'd like to share with you a Hanukkah tradition in my family.

We have been getting together and baking Hanukkah cookies since my mom was small. We use the same recipe for dough that Aunt Eitchey used as well as her cookie cutters. (Aunt Eitchey was my mother's aunt and one of the coolest people on earth.) Her daughter, my Aunt Mar, continues this tradition with my generation. We always get together about a week before the family Hanukkah party and bake an obscene amount of cookies, most of which get buried under mountains of sprinkles when we play around with the shakers.
To any of my readers who won't be seeing me this winter break, happy holidays! And to those that will, let's make this the happiest holiday season of our lives.
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