The second Laurel asked me if would come take pictures, I jumped on the opportunity. I am not a runner; I don't think I'll ever be a runner. But I've heard that the Color Run is an amazing experience and something worth being a part of. To stand there in 'the fray' (as I called it) with all the runners throwing colors and celebrating their successful run was absolutely amazing.
I was honestly a little worried about bringing a camera so I brought my old DSLR, Marjorie. Her sensor is going and so there's a lot of noise, especially after playing in Photoshop. Please don't hold it against me.

Presenting.... the amazing Laurel!

With Laurel and Doug by my side, I charged into the fray with both cameras. (I brought my Holga with me too.)

I'm an honorary color runner.

It was a pleasure to accompany you & your pictures really capture the magic of the moment! They (and you) are amazing!