When the once a month thing just wasn't enough for the community, they decided to up the ante a little. Now there are four challenges for the month (one per week) but they're not on a strict deadline. This is exactly the compromise I wanted/needed and I know I'm not the only one.
I started writing this post the day I started in on March's challenges. I'll be adding the photos to the post and the group photo pool on Flickr as I finish them but you won't be able to see this post until I've finished. I'll try to explain a little something about each photo I've chosen and why I feel that it fits the theme.
Take a picture from a high vantage point, from above your subject
I took a Polaroid of my shoes on a walk to send to my friend Lauren. Then I put the Polaroid on my shoes to take a photo (much like she does).

Capture a photo using natural light.
I was driving home from work during the golden hour when it started to rain. There is something so magical about sunshowers.

Express the following word in a photo: Transition
Winter turns into spring and tiny ferns uncurl their stems and unfurl their leaves.
[Note: I only used one for project 12 but I'm posting all 3 here.]

Create a "guess what" photo – this is a photo that is so close up that the subject becomes abstract.
I have some sparkly blue stress putty. When abstracted, it looks the sea. It reminds me of the Sea of Galilee in Israel.

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